Every day is great for tabletop games at The Fourth Place in Hanover, but Thursday nights may be the best! We always have regulars teaching games, and plenty of magic: The Gathering Commander Night every week with a friendly crowd of players of all ages, so it's easy to find a game. No table fee, promo cards available! Friday Night Magic features the crown jewel Standard format. All formats are welcome, but Standard players get free promos. Open play 4:00 pm until at least 11: Join us for RPG one-shots and more, on the first full weekend of each month! Sign-up in advance for free adventures including D&D. Join the Pathfinder Society at The Fourth Place every Saturday at 6:00 pm for a free one-shot RPG adventure— Sign-up, and get more info about each week's advent Upper Valley Young Professionals Monthly Yoga Class the first Monday of the month at Anytime Fitness There's no bad time to visit The Fourth Place if you love comics or superheroes, but Wednesday means we have the newest issues, and you'll find other people who Pickleball Clinics for Intermediate Players + Beginners
Board Game Thursdays: All skill levels welcome
Magic: Casual Commander Thursdays
Friday Night Magic: Standard
Roleplaying Games Weekend
Pathfinder Society
UVYP Monthly Yoga Class
New Comic Book Day
Pickleball Clinics: Intermediate and Beginner Levels