Disability Awareness Training: Recommended for employees at all levels Join the Special Needs Support Center (SNSC) for Disability Awareness Training and enhance your understanding of interacting with colleagues with disabilities. This two-hour training starts with an overview of various disabilities and guidance on how to discuss them. It then explores specific case studies that illustrate different interactions you might have with a colleague with a disability and best practices for responding to these situations. Topics include: Definition of Disability: Understanding what constitutes a disability and its various types, including physical, sensory, cognitive, and developmental impairments. Communication Skills: Learning respectful language and adapting communication styles to diverse needs. Recognizing barriers: Identifying potential physical and attitudinal barriers that may prevent inclusion for people with disabilities Accommodations and support: Understanding the need for and types of accommodation and support for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Benefits of HR Disability Training: - Increases awareness of disability diversity in the workplace. - Improves relations and fosters an inclusive environment. - Improves communication due to enhanced understanding of individuals with disabilities. - Reduces stigma through challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about disabilities. - Positively impacts recruitment and retention by attracting qualified individuals with disabilities. Training completes a step in the process of becoming Certified as Disability-Friendly. Contact Dr. Kendra LaRoche, executive director at SNSC, for more information about the Certification process.
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday, February 11th 2025 AVA Gallery & Art Center Free
Elizabeth Duvall
Date and Time
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST
Lebanon NHFees/Admission
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